Dungeons & Degrees
Ep. 142: Them Kids! (w/ Andy)
Andy, Alex, and Adrian all discuss their bits at GenCon 2024 and how it was quite the experience. Alex and Andy bond over teaching the kids to play and how […]
Ep. 141: Coffee & Cons (w/ Homebrew Coffee Co.)
Adrian and Alex have the pleasure of speaking with Laura and Kelly of Homebrew Coffee Co. They talk about the chaos of cons, a not-so-secret business proposition for said cons, […]
Ep. 140: The Champ is back! (w/Eric Silver)
Returning guest, Eric Silver, gives his take on Wahwah, Sheetz, and Buc-ees. You know the important things in life. Also potions in skyrims, Adrian’s clown get up, and conventions. Oh […]